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Trees Please! Exhibit

August 24 - September 22, 2024

Exhibition Juror:

Gayle Isabelle Ford

Furneaux.Pam.Aspens.2023.05.2_Aspens - Pamela Furneaux

Best in Show Aspens Oil 8x10 $350 Pam Furneaux

Hindle, Stuart_Bluebells by the River

Second Place In early spring, when the bluebells are out near the rivers, it is so lovely to take a walk among the old sycamores that still carry their seed pods giving a dapple of warm color against the blue sky. Bluebells by the River Oil on Canvas 12 x 16 $475 Stuart Hindle

Allen, Karen_Sunlit Sentinels on the Water_edited

Third Place Sunlit Sentinels on the Water Oil 16x20 $600 Karen Allen

BlockAnne_The Acacia, Amboseli NP, Kenya

Honorable Mention The acacia tree is all present and a staff for life serving many purposes in Kenya. Recently I visited and was hosted by my daughter in Kenya. We enjoyed a wonderful adventure to Amboseli and here I viewed and painted acacias, en Plein air. Here is one for you to enjoy! The Acacia, Amboseli NP, Kenya Oil on Linen 16x20 $650 Anne Block

Lancaster Roger Tree by the sea - Roger Lancaster

Honorable Mention This photo was taken on the west coast of Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. It stood all by itself and has managed to withstand constant wind for many years. Tree by the Sea Photography 12x18 $150 Roger Lancaster

Parent, Terri_ Through the Fog.jpg (2) - Terri Parent

Honorable Mention This is a companion piece to "Hole One". Within minutes the sun broke through and presented a new image. Equally eerie and wonderful. Through the Fog Digital Photography 14 x 11 $195 Terri Parent

Allen, Karen_Sunlit Sentinels in the Mist_edited

This composition is dominated by a few trees, their forms emerging from a veil of soft, diffused mist. The trees, rendered with subtle gradations of color and shadow, stand as solitary sentinels in a dreamlike scene where the background gradually fades into an indistinct haze. The mist creates a sense of depth and enigma, allowing you, the viewer to focus on the trees as focal points of tranquility and solitude. Silent Sentinels in the Mist Oil 15x19 $250 Karen Allen

Tree Collage, Baker, M, Bark Collage 11x14 - Michelle Baker

What started as a simple acrylic painting took on a new life as a bark collage. The bark gives the viewer a feel of looking through the woods. Tree Collage: Down By the River Bark Acrylic Collage 11x14 $250 Michelle Baker

Ballard, Robert Sycamore Gap Tree - Robert Ballard

Depiction of the famous English Robin Hood Tree and it’s shocking demise. Sycamore Gap Tree Acrylic 7" x 5" $300 Robert Ballard

Ballard, Robert Ghost Tree - Robert Ballard

Depiction of a ghost tree on a Promatory point. Ghost Tree Acrylic 7" x 5" $250 Robert Ballard

Baumgartner, Betty_Tree Outlook_edited

It’s always calming to see a vista of a colorful landscape. Tree Outlook Acrylic 20 x 10 $395 Betty Baumgartner

Block, Anne_View From Fishing Bridge

I love painting en Plein air in Yellowstone NO. It a treat to myself and feeds the soul. I always attempt to honor its beauty and the benefits bestowed to all of us as a US National Park established for all of us to enjoy. Come and visit many times! View from Fishing Bridge, Yellowstone, Wyoming Oil on linen 11x14 $325 Anne Block

BrabantJillAutumnsWhisper - Jill Brabant

Autumn's Whisper Oil 16 x 20 $2400 Jill Brabant

Bridgman,Cindy_Follow the Sycamores Home - Cindy Bridgman

The iconic winter vista from the Route 7 Bridge in Clarke County...the sycamores lead the way for the Shenandoah as it travels north to join the Potomac River round the bend. Follow the Sycamores Home Oil 14 x 32 $850 Cindy Bridgman

Bridgman, Cindy_Due West on a Scenic Byway - Cindy Bridgman

Light and shadow through the trees on a bright, frosty winter morning...I stopped the car to capture this beautiful rural scene. Due West on a Scenic Byway Oil 18 x 14 $450 Cindy Bridgman

Bull, Jillian_Miss Granny Smith

This oil painting depicts a lush apple tree in an orchard, laden with green apples, against a blue sky. The fallen apples symbolize abundance and renewal, reflecting my childhood in an orchard town and my desire to preserve the earth and cherish youthful memories. Miss Granny Smith Oil 16x20 $960 Jillian Bull

Stan Bysshe Lake Moultrie - Stanley Bysshe

A Georgia lake known for it's Cypress trees seen on a flat calm evening. Lake Moultrie Photography 10x15 $185 Stan Bysshe

Stan Bysshe Old South - Stanley Bysshe

Southern live oak trees covered in Spanish moss line the entrance to an old estate. Old South Photography 10x15 $185 Stan Bysshe

Stan Bysshe Last Man Standing - Stanley Bysshe

Haden Valley in Yellowstone N.P. in winter is known for this lone split Pine tree. Last Man Standing Photography 10x15 $185 Stan Bysshe

Gardiner, Maribe_Jumpng with Joy

"Jumping With Joy over the beauty of it all". I tell a story that you can interpret as you desire. Jumping With Joy 20x16 $700 Maribe Chandler-Gardiner

Conrad, Marcia_The Road Home

Winter scape, the morning after the blizzard. Trees frosted in silver turning gold where morning sun touches them. The Road Home Acrylic 18x24 $350 Marcia Conrad

Conrad, Marsha_Danada

Danada Forest Preserve in Will County, IL. Golden yellow leaves in the trees are mirrored by fallen leaves in their famous grove. Danada Acrylic 12x24 $200 Marcia Conrad

Cromer, Irene_Rokeby Rd red barns

A bucolic setting with the Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance A Hot Afternoon Acrylic 8 x 10 $125 Irene Cromer

Cromer, Irene_Cobb House Rd barns

Old barns alongside a western Loudoun gravel road Summer Shade Acrylic 8 x 10 $125 Irene Cromer

didoha, Judy_Neptune Tree

A tree overlooking the ocean, planted by a parent years ago as landmark, to return home from the sea. Neptune Tree 12x12 Acrylic $325 Judy Didoha

Fink, Leanne_Tree Spirits of Denali - Rich Fink

In Denali National Park I noticed a deafening quiet and feeling of solitude in the immense proportions of its expanse. The unusual evergreens native to Alaska kept watch and guarded the sacred land, breathing out oxygen for us, taking in and purifying our waste. Keepers of the planet. Tree Spirits of Denali Oil & Cold Wax 24 x 36 $3450 Leanne Fink

Fink, Leanne_Amalfi Coast Drive - Rich Fink

Making our way down the Amalfi Coast to Positano, I snapped photos out toward the beautiful Mediterranean. The day was shrouded in mist. I could not see where the water ended and the sky began. So the view became all about the Italian pines lining the road. Amalfi Coast Drive Oil & Cold Wax 15 x 20 $1300 Leanne Fink

Fink, Leanne_Wandering a Secluded Byway - Rich Fink

From the hilltop, I could see sycamores in the distance. I headed toward them and, to my delight, discovered a tranquil backroad with all the pastoral sounds and rhythms one expects in Loudoun County. A picturesque site to paint, I began en plein air and finished up in the studio. Wandering a Secluded Byway Oil & Cold Wax 15 x 10 $665 Leanne Fink

Ford, Gayle Isabelle-The Gelding's Waterhole - Gayle Isabelle Ford

This is a peaceful scene where the horses gathered for a refreshing drink of cool water. The Gelding's Waterhole Watercolor 15.5 x 18 $950 Gayle Isabelle Ford

Foster, Michelle_Spring Arrives with Sunlight

I love the dappled light of early spring, before the leaves are fully formed. Spring Arrives with Sunlight Oil on Panel 14 x 11 $400 Michelle Foster

Foster, Michelle_The Evening Dancejpg_edited

In autumn's brisk winds, this tree dances. The Evening Dance Oil on Linen 18 x 24 $625 Michelle Foster

Freeman, Cheryl_Birch Tree - Cheryl Freeman

Painting of a multi-stemmed birch tree I saw in central Vermont. Birch Tree Watercolor 10x8 $175 Cheryl Freeman

Freeman, Cheryl_Old Oak Tree - Cheryl Freeman

This painting is of an old oak tree I saw in South Carolina which I felt represents the various twists and turns of a life’s journey. Old Oak Tree Watercolor 10x8 $175 Cheryl Freeman

Furneaux.Pam_Franklin Pond.2022.03 - Pamela Furneaux

Franklin Pond Autumn Oil 9x12 $400 Pam Furneaux

Garcia, Nancy_Palm Springs Palms_edited

PALM SPRINGS PALMS oil 16x20 $400 Nancy Garcia

Garcia, Nancy_Curvacious_edited

CURVACIOUS Oil 12x16 $400 Nancy Garcia

Gordon, Nadya_Birches

Transform your space with the serene beauty of this original acrylic painting on canvas, featuring a stunning golden birch tree forest. This piece captures the essence of nature's tranquility and adds a touch of elegance to any room. The golden hues and intricate details of the birch trees will add warmth and charm to your decor. Golden Birch Tree Forest Acrylic 12x16 $250 Nadya Gordon

Gordon, Nadya_ Blue Ridge

Blue Ridge Mountains at Sunset Acrylic 12x16 $250 Nadya Gordon

Gring, Susan_Ghost Tree

When driving through a sparsely populated area it is a delightful surprise to see a stark white tree a ghost tree standing tall amid the landscape. Ghost Tree Acrylic 20 x 16 x 1 $375 Susan Gring

Gring, Susan Winter Quiet - Susan Gring

A walk in the woods in the softness of the snow and its quiet beauty makes everything seem alright in the world. Winter Quiet Acrylic 20 x 24 x1 $295 Susan Gring

Gully, Diann_Drummond Castle

My children and I went to visit Drummond Castle but we arrived too late. So, we snuck into the back of the castle, took a picture of the gardens, and began to leave but were caught by a caretaker. Instead of being angry, he invited us to meet the owners! Drummond Castle Garden of Trees Colored Pencil 8 1/2 “ x 5 1/2 “ NFS Diann Gully

Harleman, Melinda_A Morning Walk Around the Pond

I love walking around the pond across from my house. There are mornings when a foggy mist hangs over the water, and it glows when the sun shines through it. A Morning Walk Around the Pond Oil 20x20 $650 Melinda Harleman

herman_lorrie_Lucious_Myrtle - Lorrie Herman

The crepe myrtles were amazing this year. This painting was inspired by the tree in my yard. Lucious Myrtle Oil 18 x 24 $750 Lorrie Herman

Hindle., Stuart_Summer WanderingsJPG

I painted this from a photo reference I took in Central Europe. I love the quiet canopy of the forest of birches. There is always grass beneath the trees that lends itself to a peaceful experience. Summer Wanderings Oil on Canvas 20 x 16 $795 Stuart Hindle

Hopkins, Laura Roadside Evening

Painted from a hastily snapped photo out the car window while returning from Little Washington. Roadside Evening View Oil 16x20 $950 Laura Hopkins

Hopkins, Laura_Trees in Moonlight

I became enamored of this group of trees at the end of my neighbor’s driveway. They are starring in several paintings. Trees in Moonlight Oil 16x20 $950 Laura Hopkins

Hopkins, Laua_In Dreamful Autumn

This moody and atmospheric scene from memory and imagination reflects my ongoing obsession with the low light of autumn and winter, and the work of the historic American Tonalists. In Dreamful Autumn Oil 12x16 $750 Laura Hopkins

Howell, Carmen_Enchanted Forest
Howell, Carmen_Hugging Tree

Hugging Tree Stoneware 14 x 13 x 14 $650 Carmen Howell

Huyett, Sheila_Autumn Drive

Autumn Drive Oil 16" x 20" $395 Sheila Huyett

Kelly, Larr_ Beech

A stately American Beech tree in winter, its branches, roots and shadow sprawling out and over the nearby landscape. Image captured in 2021 on one of my many walkabouts during pandemic isolation. Beech Photography Based Digital Art 16 x 20 $400 Larr Kelly

Kletz, Judi_Flowering Tree

Close up view of flowering tree on Maryland Eastern Shore Flowering Tree Oil on Canvas 30X20 $575 Judi Kletz

Kletz, Judi_Tuscan Treetops

The trees of Tuscany in their grandeur from the hills above. Tuscan Treetops Oil on Canvas 24x12 $375 Judi Kletz

klioze marcia-baby steps - Marcia Klioze

Capturing the innocence this baby billy goat playing on a fallen tree. Baby Steps Oil 20 x 16 $950 Marcia Klioze

klioze marcia Oatlands study - Marcia Klioze

Study of abstraction and shapes when doing a study of trees. Oatlands Study Oil 12 x 16 $350 Marcia Klioze

Kopec, Laurie_Standing Strong

Painted on location, plein air at one of Virginia's beautiful farms. This tree was large, with the mountains as a backdrop. I loved how the background framed the tree beautifully. Standing Strong Oil 9x12 $300 Laurie Kopec

Kopec, Laurie_Morning Light

Inspired by the first rays of pure light coming through the trees in the morning. I love that time of day and always look for light against the dark of the shadows. Morning Light Oil 16x20 $450 Laurie Kopec

Lancaster Roger Under a Jaapanese Maple - Roger Lancaster

This photo was taken at Oatlands Plantation, Leesburg, VA. I went right underneath the tree to capture the sunlight shining through the gorgeous autumn colors. Under the Japanese Maple Photography on Canvas 24x36 $250 Roger Lancaster

Lancaster Roger Christmas Tree Forest - Roger Lancaster

This was taken at a nursery in middle Georgia. I thought the dramatic sky added to the starkness of the rows of trees. A Christmas Tree Forest Photography 12x18 $150 Roger Lancaster

Lesciotto,Ann Stewartia - Ann Lesciotto

I have been studying my neighbor's tree for a few years and finally decided to paint it. It is always a challenge to paint white flowers on white paper. Stewartia Watercolor 23 x 19 $400 Ann Lesciotto

Lesciotto, Ann_Magnolia Branch

I love magnolias with their beautiful flowers, but am much more interested in the seedpods that form after the flowers have dropped all their petals. I also attempted to convey the underside of the leathery leaves. Magnolia Branch Watercolor 19 X 23 $400 Ann Lesciotto

Lowther,Thom -Southern Sky - Thom Lowther

I love the natural woods along the southern coast of the U.S. This was the morning sky on a footpath in Amelia Island State Park. I tried to capture the colors of the sky first, then turned my attention to the trees and the Spanish moss on some of the limbs. Southern Sky Watercolor 13.5 x 9 $345 Thom Lowther

Lowther, Thom-Road Less Traveled - Thom Lowther

My focus was on the calming green colors of the trees along the river. I painted the background trees first, then the one in the forefront. I finished the painting by filling in the river. Road Less Traveled Watercolor 9 x 12 $345 Thom Lowther

Mann, Amy_Forest Pond - Amy Mann

Painted in a beautiful spot on a farm in Loudoun County, a pond surrounded by trees Forest Pond Oil on board 10x10 $275 Amy Mann

Mann, Amy_Meadow pond

Painted in a cool, shady spot on a warm spring day looking out at bright sunshine with the mountains beyond. Meadow Pond Oil on canvas 14x18 $575 Amy Mann

McAdams, Kyle_Orient Beach Dreamstream

"Orient Beach Dreamstream" Acrylic 20 X 16 $395 Kyle McAdams

MerkinKaren_TwoSeater - Karen Merkin

A peaceful scene on the grounds of an inn in Virginia. Two Seater Oil 24 x 12 $1500 Karen Merkin

Minarchi, Tamara,On the Banks of the River

A stand of birch trees on the Shenandoah. On the Banks of the River Oil 24x30 $625 Tamara Minarchi

Minarchi, Tamara_Serenity Creek 1_edited

Petite landscape painted on Arches oil paper. Peaceful scene inspired by a nearby creek I see on my walks. Serenity Creek 1 Oil 11.25x7.5 $275 Tamara Minarchi

Minarchi, Tamara_Serenity Creek2_edited

Petite landscape painted on Arches oil paper. Peaceful scene inspired by a nearby creek I see on my walks. Serenity Creek 2 Oil 11.25x7.5 $275 Tamara Minarchi

ethanhorsetree_aim_5x5 - Deborah Morrow

Photograph of gray horse in front of beautiful tree. Ethans Horse Photography 11x14 Deborah Morrow

franniestreeaim5x5 - Deborah Morrow

Frannie, in front of is favorite tree. Frannies Tree Photograph 11x14 Deborah Morrow

Parent, Terri_Majesty - Terri Parent

My summer travel was spent in the Canadian Rockies. Trees, lakes, mountains were all majestic. True royalty in nature. Majesty Digital Photography 20 x 16 $250 Terri Parent

Parent, Terri_Hole 1 - Terri Parent

I live in a golf course community on the Potomac River. Early morning walks often are shrouded in fog. I love to photograph trees and fog - eerie and wonderful! Hole One Digital Photography 14 x 11 $195 Terri Parent

Pyles, Gomer_Earth Clock

At times during sunsets I hang out with this tree to see its relationship with the location of the setting sun, and thus have referred to it as one of my Earth Clocks. Earth Clock Photography 11x14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Pyles, Gomer_Monet Mirror

A reflection is a portal view of an entity’s soul. Monet Mirror Photography 11x17 $180 Gomer Pyles

Pyles, Gomer-MIrrored Doorway

Mirrored Doorway Photography 11 x 14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Ramsey, Nancy_Field and Trees

Dappled sunlight meets tree shadows in this abstract depiction of a summer scene. Field and Trees Acrylic 10x10 $200 Nancy Ramsey

Ramsey, Nancy_Nature Screen

Abstract forms hint at memories, recalling elements of nature, sun through trees, water over rocks, undergrowth in shadow. Nature Screen Acrylic 10x10 $200 Nancy Ramsey

Ramsey Nancy_Trhough the Trees

A vertical composition leads us through the forest, where we catch glimpses full of light and shadow. Through the Trees Acrylic 10x10 $200 Nancy Ramsey

Reid, Anne_Across the Street

Across the Street Oil 14x18 $725 Anne Reid

Reid, Anne_Woods Edge

Woods Edge Pastel 12x16 $625 Anne Reid

Ritter Elise Solitaire - Elise Ritter-Clough

I try to paint natural elements as objects of beauty, evoking emotions and wonder. Leaves like stained glass and branches patterned after Art Nouveau designs help create a beaming bright solitary tree— a solitaire. Solitaire Acrylics 14 X 18 $500 Elise Ritter

Ritter Elise Vienna Woods - Elise Ritter-Clough

I studied abroad in Vienna, Austria, as a college student. One day I entered the Belvedere Palace and saw paintings by Gustav Klimt. These paintings showcased golden forms, symbols, and jewel-like colors. They inspired me to create my own version of “Vienna Woods,” shown here. Vienna Woods Acrylics 12 x 16 $450 Elise Ritter

Ritter Elise Golden Forest - Elise Ritter-Clough

I am fascinated by mosaics. Composed of pieces of stained glass, stone, gold and tiles, mosaics form pictures and patterns. I like to create landscapes with patterns of mosaic-like shapes to transform trees and forests into many small bright colors, reflecting shimmering golden light. Golden Forest Acrylics 14 X 18 $500 Elise Ritter

Cheyenne, Roca_Afternoon Pause

Based on a fond memory Afternoon Pause Mixed Media Acrylic, Pastel, Ink 8x10 $200 Cheyenne Roca

Scala,Amy_CA Landscape - Amy Scala

Beautiful California landscape on recent visit. CA Landscape acrylic 9x12 $325 Amy Scala

Scala,Amy_Shades of Green - Amy Scala

Love all the different shades of green trees in the garden. Shades of Green acrylic 8x10 $300 Amy Scala

Schneider, Deb_Golden Trees

The view from the parking lot at Colvin Mill.A studio painting inspired by my PleinAir. Golden Trees Oil 28 x 22 $800 Deborah Schneider

Schneider, Deb_Potomac River

Looking south at overlook # 1 Great Falls. Potomac River oil 16 x 20 $700 Deborah Schneider

schroeder francie Shoe Tree - f schroeder

It had been snowing when I reached the top of this mountain and stopped to rest. There beside me was this old mossy tree covered in every imaginable kind of shoe, from hiking boots to flip flops. Shoe Tree Photography 12" x 17.5" $425 Francie Schroeder

Schroeder Francie Reflected and Not - f schroeder

This building jumped out at me as I whizzed by on my way elsewhere. After a few blocks I had to turn around and spend some time there. Reflected and Not Photography 13 x 18 $425 Francie Schroeder

Shakirova-Ramziya-Spring Morning In Virginia - Ramziya Shakirova

Spring Morning in Virginia Oil 16 x 20 $1000 Ramziya Shakirova

Shakirova-Ramziya-WinterForest - Ramziya Shakirova

Winter Forest Oil 16 x 20 $4200 Ramziya Shakirova

Stevens, Eliza_Shadows on the Wall - Laura Fulton

Shadows on the Wall - Punta Cana Oil 16 x 20 $425 Eliza Stevens

StewartM_OakandLavender_9x12_oil - Margaret Stewart

There is a beautiful lavender farm in Round Hill. The owner has lavender of many colors, and the lavender is in these gorgeous beds, with trees all around. I was drawn to the shapes of the trees as much as I was the lavender. Oak and Lavender Oil 9 x12 $490 Margaret Stewart

StewartM_NancysView_8x10_oil - Margaret Stewart

The view of the pond from Ash George Farm is serene, and I was drawn to how water, trees and sky all knit together on a glorious morning. Nancy's View Oil 8x10 $380 Margaret Stewart

StewartM_RosesontheSpringhouse_8x10_oil - Margaret Stewart

The spring house at Ash George was covered in climbing roses when I was there. The structure sits at the bottom of the hill, setting up a magnificent view of the trees and fields beyond. Roses on the Spring House Oil 8x10 $380 Margaret Stewart

Taylor.Before the Fall.6x8.Oil - Deborah Taylor

This wonderful tree fell shortly after I painted it. I was struck by the sun shining through. Before the Fall Oil 6 x 8 $225 Deborah Taylor

Taylor.Abundance.8x8.Oil - Deborah Taylor

This is a stand of trees on the GW parkway near the airport. I was struck by how lush and full the trees looked. Abundance Oil 8 x 8 $230 Deborah Taylor

Torruella, Kristyne_Daystars 2

The swirl of shimmering yellow and orange leaves against the backdrop of the deep blue sky made me think of stars, but in the daytime! This is the second of a series I've been working on. Day Stars II Oils 16 x 20 $495 Kristyne Torruella

Treyz, Fritz_Cherry Tree Blossoms

Cherry Tree Blossoms Oil 11 x 14 $250 Fritz Treyz

Wallace, Ann_Reaching for the Sky

Reaching For The Sky Pastel 14 x 11 $500 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann_Backlit

Backlit Pastel 11 x 14 $500 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann_On the of the Precipice

On The Edge of The Precipice Oil 12x10 $600 Ann Wallace

Weed, Peggy_The Row Boats - Laura Fulton

The Row Boats Oil 11 x 14 $585 Peggy Weed

Weed, Peggy_The Guard - Laura Fulton

The Guard Oil 14 x 18 $685 Peggy Weed

Weed, Peggy_The Hawk - Laura Fulton

The Hawk Oil 11 x 14 $585 Peggy Weed

Wine, Linda_Ginko Bilboa

Look up Anthea Bell’s translation of Gingko Biloba by Gerta. Two centuries later, it still promotes a meaningful understanding of the Islamic world. Gingko Biloba acrylic 16 x 12 $300 Linda Wine

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