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Summer Dreams Exhibit

July 22 August 20, 2023

Exhibition Jurors:

Jill Brabant & Laurie Kopec

Pyles, Cow Wreck Beach Rainbow

Best in Show The island of Anegada has a high elevation of 28 feet which gives the sun a much wider angle to prism on the rainfall and produce dazzling rainbows. Cow Wreck Beach Rainbow Photography 11x14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Reid, High Street

Second Place High Street Pastel 16 x 20 $825 Anne Reid


Third Place Kaleidoscope represents a full immersion into the paint. Allowing myself to explore, wander, play, and then bring those elements back into a composition that is balanced and has something to say was a wonderful challenge. You can feel the sun and hear the voices of kids in the pool in this fully abstracted expression of summer color. Kaleidoscope Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas 30 x 30 $700 Rachel Lofton

The Flower

Honorable Mention In the realm of "Summer Dreams," a ceramic wonder unfolds, epitomizing sun-kissed reveries. Radiating in tranquil white and icy blue, this captivating flower stands tall, embodying nature's mesmerizing charm. Adorned with tear-shaped blossoms and delicate leaves, it carries whispered tales of enchanting summers, beckoning you to lose yourself in its magical realm. The Flower Stoneware Clay and Glaze 15 x 15 x 6 $985 Emel Ilhan

Kray, Forester

Honorable Mention Forester Photography 24 x 18 $275 Dorothy Kray

Petit Luncheon 2022

Honorable Mention The gentle softness of a woman's smile in the warmth of a summer's sun... Petit Luncheon Oil 12 x 16 $2,900 Keith Rocco

Stevens, Summer Lane

Honorable Mention A long winding dirt road beckons you to wander but stay in the shade! Overgrown grasses and wild fields always inspire me to capture the variety of greens in a summer landscape. Summer Lane Pastel 12 x 16 $750 Libby Stevens

Baker Michelle Sunflower and Bee 5photo (002)

Sunflower and Bee Dancing is one of my favorite photographs this year. Watching the beauty of the sunflower unfold to provide for pollinators was a treat to watch. Love how the whole world is dependent on this tiny one. Sunflower and Bee Dancing Photograph on Canvas 30x40 $400 Michelle Baker

Baker Michelle Sunflower Centerphoto (002)

Natures beauty knows no bounds. The colors and design of the center of the sunflower is captivating. Here today, gone tomorrow. Sunflower Center: Perfection Photography on Canvas 16 x 20 $320 Michelle Baker

Baumgartner, Betty-Breezy Clouds

I stand on the high rocky cliff and gaze at the white clouds and I feel free as a red sailboat pushed by the breeze. Breezy Clouds Acrylic 12x16 $350 Betty Baumgartner

Blackwell, Walter-now you see me (002)

Nature holds so many surprises for us that we often overlook because light and color blend foreground and background together. Here our little friend chooses to make himself known in part to our eyes. Now You See Me Mixed Media 36 x 34 $425 Walter Blackwell

Block, Anne Marshall-Sunny Hike Down Sky Meadows State Park (002)

Sunny Hike Down Sky Meadows State Park Oil 20 x 20 $599 Anne Block

Brabant, Jill-HollyhocksinJune (002)

Hollyhocks are a cottage favorite in my garden. If you look closely you can see bees inside the flowers . . .these tall beautiful stalks are like bee condominiums! Hollyhocks in June Oil 20 x 16 $1800 Jill Brabant

Brabant, Jill-bellehaven (002)

Belle Haven Park is such a lovely spot—located just south of historic Old Town Alexandria. It offers dreamy summer views in this scenic park. Belle Haven Oil 20 x 20 $950 Jill Brabant

Brabant, Jill-pink profusion

The coneflower (echinacea) is a summer garden favorite and comes in a variety of colors. This daisy-like flower attracts butterflies and birds with its seeded dome-like center. Echinacea comes from the Greek word ekhinos, which means sea urchin or hedgehog. I love having them in my garden and I let some of the flowers go to seed to provide a snack for the goldfinches. Pink Profusion Oil 14 x 11 $425 Jill Brabant

Bysshe, Stan-4th Explosion

Photographing fireworks can be a challenge. But with a few tricks, one can get multiple explosions in camera on one image. 4th Explosion Photography 10x15 $180 Stanley Bysshe

Bysshe, Stan-Lotus

Generally, in early July Lotus flowers are at their peak. I chose this close-up composition because it reminded me of fireworks. Lotus Photography 10 x15 $180 Stanley Bysshe

Bysshe, Stan-Pinpoint

A field of Zinnias is a field of dreams for a Ruby Throated Hummingbird. When they are working this hard it makes photographing these speedsters a bit easier! Pinpoint Photography 10x15 $180 Stanley Bysshe

Carroll, Margaret-Garden Chores

The fun of summer gardening. Garden Chores Oil on Canvas 14 x 11 $375 Margaret Carroll

Carroll, Margaret-Beach Cafe

Relaxing at the beach. Beach Café Oil on Canvas 14x11 $375 Margaret Carroll

Conrad, Marcia-wheat field (002)

Once ubiquitous throughout the mid-west and the great plains, grain elevators stood every ten miles. Each was accompanied by a diner and a barber shop to make the farmer's trip worthwhile. Now, they stand every forty miles or so but still have the diner marked by Golden Arches and always the American Flag. This is the farmer's dream - bountiful harvest, rest and coffee with neighbors, and the American flag. Wheat Field- A Farmer's Dread Acrylic 16 x 20 $300 Marcia Conrad

Conrad, Marcia-safe Harbor (002)

After a day on the water, as the waves begin to rise and the sun begins to set, the sight of the harbor is welcome. This was a inspired by a small harbor in Alaska which offered a welcome respite from the rough seas. Safe Harbor - A Sailor's Dream Acrylic 11x14 $300 Marcia Conrad

Cybyk, Andrea-Sultry (002)

This piece captures the exuberance of a sunflower in late summer as well as the searing heat of the season. Sultry Acrylic 10 x 8 $225 Andrea Cybyk

Cybyk, Andrea-WildAndUnruly4 (002)

Ironweed growing tall and sturdy in late summer. Wild & Unruly 4 Acrylic 14 x 11 $325 Andrea Cybyk

Cybyk, Andrea-WildAndUnruly3 (002)

I found this weed growing 7-8 feet tall in my neighborhood and had to capture the details. Wild & Unruly 3 Acrylic 14 x 11 $325 Andrea Cybyk

Gallick, Rosemary-Ocean in Motion 300dpi (002)

This chaotic painting was created as a memorial tribute to a friend who enjoyed watching the flow of water, particularly in summer and at the beach. The spills and turmoil of water splashing on a blue background acts as a vehicle to see what stability exists under the surface. Ocean in Motion Acrylic 16 x 20 $150 Rosemary Gallick

Gallick, Rosemary-Splashed with Sun! 300 dpi (002)

This acrylic painting depicts a sunny day at the beach. The circular oversized bright yellow sun's brightness is diluted with water splashes throughout the canvas. Splashed with Sun Acrylic 16 x 20 $150 Rosemary Gallick

Garcia, Nancy-Up, Up and Away

UP, UP AND AWAY Colored Pencil 7 3/4 x 12 $230 Nancy Garcia

Garcia, Nancy-Don't Forget the Tip

DON’T FORGET THE TIP Colored Pencil 19 x 23 $500 Nancy Garcia

Garcia, Nancy-Summer Dreaming

Summer Dreaming Colored Pencil 8 x 10 $185 Nancy Garcia

Palmer, Rachel Garcia-Hydrangea Lane

Done mostly plein air at a flower farm in Fauquier County. Hydrangea Lane Oil 16 x 12 $395 Rachel Garcia-Palmer

Palmer, Rachel Garcia-The Farm  House

The Farm House Oil 16 x 20 $650 Rachel Garcia-Palmer

Garcia, Rachel, Garcia-Where It's Summer All the Time

Inspired from my own photo resources taken while on vacation. Where It’s Summer all the Time Oil 20 x10 $450 Rachel Garcia-Palmer

Gardiner, Maribe-The Sun Also Rises

The Sun Also Rises Mixed 12 x 10 $300 Maribe Gardiner

Gardiner, Maribe-Night Bird

Night Bird Mixed 10 x 8 $300 Maribe Gardiner

Gordon, Nadya-Bee on Purple Flower

This painting depicts a honeybee set against vibrant colors of a flower. Bee on Purple Flower Acrylic 8 x 10 x1.5 $165 Nadya Gordon

Gordon, Nadya-Ocean Sunset Sailboat

This painting depicts a sailboat on a summer evening in the ocean. Calm water with reflection of the boat set against orange and blue colors of a beautiful sunset. Ocean Sunset Sailboat Acrylic 12x16 $195 Nadya Gordon

Gordon, Nadya-Ocean Sunrise and Pelicans

This painting depicts a beautiful sunrise on the beach with pelicans flying by. Ocean Sunrise and Pelicans Acrylic 12x16 $195 Nadya Gordon

Gring Susan Under the African Sun (002)

107-to-110 temperatures while on safari in South Africa were as hot as I'd ever experienced. Between safari outings, time was spent outside under a large umbrella that deflected soft falling tree debris and leaves, a feeling I tried to capture in this painting. Under the African Sun Acrylic 12 x 14 $300 Susan Gring

Gring Susan    Aussie Sails (002)

Spending part of a summer visiting family in Australia I found the regattas in the Sydney Harbour incredibly exciting and exhilarating. Strong winds propelled the sailboats with dizzying speed and it was only through the expert helmsmanship of the crews that sailboats didn't crash into one another. In this painting, I tried to capture that feeling. Aussie Sails Acrylic 22 x 22 $595 Susan Gring

Gundogdu, Fatma-Pera Natural

I was inspired by the flower garden of the historical neighborhood in Istanbul called Pera. Pera Natural Paint on Paper 13 x 10.25 $800 Fatma Gundogdu

Gundogdu,, Fatma-Galata Natural

Inspired by the collision of two cultures; French and Ottoman. These flowers can be seen at the garden of Lycee Imperial Ottoman in Istanbul. Galata Natural Paint on Paper 13x10 $800 Fatma Gundogdu

Hengemuhle, Sarah-Bouquet of Summer Joy

This piece was a labor of love. I used discarded paper to mold flowers and then added layer upon layer of paint to create texture and implied movement - a bouquet of summer joy. Bouquet of Summer Joy Mixed Media 14 x 14 $250 Sarah Hengemuhle

Hengemuhle, Sarah-Summer Storms

I always love a good summer thunderstorm. I used various mediums, alternately painting and turning to evoke a surreal feeling of how such a storm is encompassing and layered. Summer Storms by the Lake Mixed Media 8 x 9.5 $100 Sarah Hengemuhle

Hengemuhle, Sarah-Hot Summer in the City

I used palette knife, plaster spatula, and scraping techniques for this abstract piece. I was inspired by the bright sounds, deep heat, and palpable energy of summer in the city. Hot Summer Storms in the City Mixed Media 12 x 12 $150 Sarah Hengemuhle

Herman, Lorrie_WaitingForGuests_acrylic (002)

Spend the morning at this beautiful mansion painting! Waiting for Guests Acrylic 24 x 12 $600 Lorrie Herman

Herman, Lorrie_BlueMuscovy (002)

Loved the colors of this duck. Blue Muscovy Oil 30 x 15 $900 Lorrie Herman

Herman, Lorrie_hollyhocks_wc (002)

I've been working in this double square format lately in my work. The hollyhocks need the height! Holly Hocks Watercolor 15 x 30 $600 Lorrie Herman

Hindle, Stuart-Summer Daydream (002)

With this painting I tried to capture the feeling of the Caribbean using warm tone with cyan blues and purples. I tried to give the viewer of a feeling of a dreamscape. Summer Daydream Oil on Canvas 24 x 30 $2,600 Stuart Hindle

Hindle, Stuart-Late Summer Meadow (002)

I took the photo for this picture as an impulse, pulling over on the side of the road. The light on the trees was perfect casting a yellow, ethereal glow of the last days of summer. Late Summer Meadow Oil on Canvas 20 x 30 $1,600 Stuart Hindle

Hopkins, Laura-Near Harpers Ferry

This painting is sized up from a small plein air study of a beautiful view across a pond and distant pastures to the mountain beyond at a vineyard near Harper’s Ferry. Near Harper’s Ferry Oil on Canvas 16x12 $750 Laura Hopkins

Hopkins, Laura-Summer Evening

This imagined scene offers a view of twilight moon over the Virginia countryside. As a painter in the American Tonalist tradition, I endeavor to suggest the feeling or mood of a place rather than depict a specific place. Memory and observation fuel my work. Summer Evening Oil on Linen Mounted on Panel 8x10 $425 Laura Hopkins

Hopkins, Laura-Garden Urn

I painted this study on location at a lovely estate on the banks of the Potomac earlier this summer. Little bits of the transparent warm underpainting peek through and lend a feeling of illumination to the work. Garden Urn, Plein Air Oil on Linen Wrapped Panel 10 x 8 $425 Laura Hopkins

Howsare, Kathleen-Summer Blues

Early morning summer walks are the best times to see chicory flowers open. Tints of blue, lavender and pink grace the roadsides and open fields. Summer Blues Acryilic 8 x 10 $325 Kathleen Howsare

Howsare, Kathleen-Summer Fields

Old barns and Black Eyed Susans are two of my favorite things! By adding crinkled paper to the canvas, a textured effect was created. Summer Fields Acryilic 12 x 16 $750 Kathleen Howsare

Howsare, Kathleen-Breathe

Some prefer the beach in summer but I like the woods. Cool greens to see, birdcalls and waterfalls to hear and the essence of the forest to smell. Dive in. Breathe Acryilic 18 x18 $1,200 Kathleen Howsare

Ihan, Emel-Magic Bowl (002)

It features an ice cream bowl that never seems to empty, symbolizing the endless enjoyment of summer treats. The concept revolves around the idea of fulfilling one's summer dreams through an everlasting supply of ice cream. Magic Bowl Stoneware Clay and Glaze 7 x 7 x 4 $45 Emel Ilhan

Javier, Lizzy-Dusk

There is nothing like the ever-changing sea and cloud formations to motivate me to paint! Muted colors, the angle of the light and the movement of the waves are a great challenge to capture. Dusk Acrylic 16 x 12 $250 Lizzy Javier

Kray, Dorothy-Forester

Forester Photography 24 x 18 $275 Dorothy Kray

Lancaster, Roger-Fishing on the Surf

I was walking the beach in Surfside SC at sunrise an came across this gentleman fulfilling his dream! I quickly took the shot and just a minute or so later he landed a very large fish! Fishing on the Surf Photography 13 x 19 $150 Roger Lancaster

Lancaster, Roger-Gull at Sunrise

Came across this scene at the beach and saw the gull, oblivious to everything, including me. He waited patiently for me to take the shot and stayed long after I continued on down the shore. Gull at Sunrise Photography 13 x 19 $150 Roger Lancaster

Lancaster, Roger-Surfside Pier

One of the last images of this iconic pier at Surfside Beach SC. A month later it was destroyed by a hurricane. A new pier is now being built to replace it. Surfside Pier at Sunrise Photography 13 x 19 $100 Roger Lancaster

Lofton, Rachel-Forever and a Day (002)

Forever and a Day is an exercise in reduction, to see how simply a feeling can be conveyed using bold, strong, panels of color to describe a moment. For me, this moment was at the water under bright sun. For you it may be something else. Where does this take you? Forever and a Day Acrylic on Gallery Wrap Canvas 28 x 22 $500 Rachel Lofton

Manzano, Walter-Beach Bayhops

Bayhops on the beach reaching out to the ocean. Beach Bayhops Photography 10 x 8 $75 Walter Manzano

Manzano, Walter-Majestic Pelican

I found this beautiful pelican hanging out on a pier. He was generous enough to allow me to take his picture. Majestic Pelican Photography 10 x 8 $70 Walter Manzano

MerkinKaren_RedBoat (002)

I think of boats in the summer. I love the reflections on the water below this boat. Red Boat Oil on Board 12 x 12 $900 Karen Merkin

MerkinKaren_SummerPeaches (002)

There's nothing like farm stand sweet and juicy peaches to remind me of summer. I look forward to them every year. Summer Peaches Oil on Board 8 x 8 $350 Karen Merkin

Merkin-Love Is Blue (002)

Summertime means convertible time. Drivers can't wait to have their convertible tops down. I photographed this blue corvette at a Kensington Car Show. I love the reflections of the surrounding environment on the surface of the car. Love Is Blue Oil on Board 16 x 20 $2,000 Karen Merkin

Mickel, Dawn_Pandora Sphinx Moth (002)

Nothing more delightful on a summer night than brightly colored moths. Pandora Sphinx Moths Papier Mache and Acrylics 6 x 6 $125 Dawn Mickel

Mickel, Dawn-Striped Sphinx Moth (002)

Beautiful Sphinx moths fill the summer night sky. Striped Sphinx Moth Papier Mache and Acrylics 6 x 6 $125 Dawn Mickel

MiyamotoMarilyn_SecretGardenoil20x20 (002)

Inspiration from the Dutch painters. The Secret Garden Oil 20 x 20 $685 Marilyn Miyamoto

MiyamotoMarilyn_SummerSailingoil (002)

I think of summer days at the ocean, listening to the waves. Summer Sailing Oil 15 x 10 $400 Marilyn Miyamoto

Moffat_Sarita_My England_Oil_30x40 (002)

My England Oil 30 x 40 $2,150 Sarita Moffat

Moffat_Sarita_Next Door_Oil_12x16 (002)

Next Door Oil 12 x 16 $400 Sarita Moffat

Moffat, Sarita-Summer Garden

Summer Garden Oil 6 x 12 $350 Sarita Moffat

Montis_Doreen_Sunny_Oil (002)

Wanted to capture the warmth of the afternoon, summer sun on this ewe. Her wool was painted using quick dry oil paint allowing me to get wonderful texture. Sunny Oil 12 x 16 $700 Doreen Montis

Montis_Doreen_Scout_Oil (002)

Summer is when the young foxes venture out of the den and start exploring. This young one was painted with a focus on color harmony. A triadic color scheme of Green, Orange and Violet. Scout Oil 6 x 12 $375 Doreen Montis

Montis_Doreen_Vulpes_Oil (002)

I dream of cooler weather on these hot summer days and a fox in a winter coat with frosty ground cover are a perfect thought. In this painting, I was challenged with painting the back side of the fox with a focus on the eyes. I wanted the tail to have texture without extensive detail. This was done by using quick dry paint and back brushing. Vulpes Oil 9 x 12 $450 Doreen Montis

Muncy, Abigail-Summer Sky Over west Yorkshire Moors

This painting is a view of the Yorkshire countryside where I travelled in the summer of 2022 to paint. This painting was completed from references in my studio in 2023. Summer Sky Over West Yorkshire Moors Oil 8 x 10 $275 Abigail Muncy

Muncy, Abigail-Garden Fountain (002)

This painting of a fountain in a private garden in Northern Virginia was completed plein air on at the location. Garden Fountain Oil 8 x 10 $275 Abigail Muncy

Muncy, Abigail-pastel colored sunset

This painting depicts one of the gorgeous summer sunsets near my home in Fairfax. Pastel-Colored Sunset Oil 8 x 6 $175 Abigail Muncy

Nicely, Elise-Scallops

Scallops Mixed Media on Archival Paper 16 x 12 $525 Elise Nicely

Oliver, Karen-Orange Roses

Flowers in bright summer colors. Collage made with exotic papers, torn magazine pages. Orange Roses Collage 12 x 19 $350 Karen Oliver

Parent, Terri-Just Peachy

Locally grown fruit and vegetables are the best part of summer. I visit a farmer's market or a produce stand weekly and love to cook what is available that week. The peaches, the composition, the lighting were delicious or as my grandmother would like to say "Just Peachey". Just Peachey Photography 8 x 10 $150 Terri Parent

Parent, Terri-tree peony bouquet oil (002)

Summer is such a special season and I wait with great anticipation to see the local and native flowers bloom. Their shelf life can be shorter so I am quick to photograph their beauty. Summer Bouquet Photography 14 x 11 $295 Terri Parent

Parent, Terri=Seashell

Vacationing in Maine, Massachusetts, California and South Carolina, I have enjoyed exploring the beaches. My meandering includes collecting sea glass and seashells. Each collected piece has a special memory for me. Collecting Photography 14 x 11 $295 Terri Parent

Petrecca, Regina-Summer Solstice Offerings Avebury (002)

After visiting Stonehenge and the huge henge surrounding the Village of Avebury, I entered the Neolithic burial/ceremonial chamber at West Kennett Long Barrow. It was the day after the Summer Solstice and people had left offerings inside the burial chamber. Summer Solstice Offerings, Avebury Acrylic on Canvas 18 x 24 $350 Regina Petrecca

Petrecca, Regina-Wipeout!-24x36-acrylic on canvas

Some people think encountering a wave like this is fun...not me! Wipeout! Acrylic on Canvas 24 x 36 $400 Regina Petrecca

Plazibat, Antonia-Forsyth Fountain

A refreshing spot to cool off in Forsyth Park during a sultry Savannah afternoon. Forsyth Fountain Watercolor 8 x 10 $250 Antonia Plazibat

Plazibat, Antonia-Venetian Afternoon

A relaxing gondola ride through the Venetian canals during a bright summer day. Venetian Afternoon Watercolor 8 x 10 $250 Antonia Plazibat

Pyles, Gomer-First Twilight of July

It was gray and stormy all day when I ventured out into the dusk and came to a bend in the road to see this light. First Twilight of July Photography 11x14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Pyles, swimming with the sunset

Almost every twilight when I visit the west end of the Island of Anegada, I go swimming with the sunset and holler. Because no one is there but me and its so empowering to be on the edge of the Earth and scream, Swimming with the Sunset Photography 11x14 $180 Gomer Pyles

Ramsey, Nancy-Watershed, Shenandoah Summer Bloom, Sandy Hook

The Watershed: Shenandoah-Summer Bloom paintings are abstractions based on aerial maps of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. Images are derived from photographs, maps and memories and combined to suggest local waterways and land. Watershed: Shenandoah-Summer Bloom, Sandy Hook Mixed Media Acrylic 20 x 20 $600 Nancy Ramsey

Ramsey, Nancy-Watershed, Shenandoah-Summer Bllom, Bethel Road

The Watershed: Shenandoah-Summer Bloom paintings are abstractions based on aerial maps of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. Images are derived from photographs, maps and memories and combined to suggest local waterways and land. Watershed: Shenandoah-Summer Bloom, Bethel Road Mixed Media Acrylic 20 x 20 $600 Nancy Ramsey

Ramsey, Nancy-Watershed, Shenandoah-Summer Bloom, Lower River Road

The Watershed: Shenandoah-Summer Bloom paintings are abstractions based on aerial maps of the North Fork of the Shenandoah River. Images are derived from photographs, maps and memories and combined to suggest local waterways and land. Watershed: Shenandoah-Summer Bloom, Lower River Road Mixed Media Acrylic 20 x 20 $600 Nancy Ramsey

Reid, Anne-Roadside Flower Shop

Roadside Flower Shop Pastel 9 x 12 $485 Anne Reid

Reid, Anne-Summer Fields

Summer Fields Pastel 16 x 20 $825 Anne Reid

Richards_Kim_Morning Dunes_oil (002)

While on vacation at the beach, I always seem to pop wide awake at 5 AM even though I would rather sleep in. I don't mind though, because waking up early means I get to watch the sun rise over the ocean. Morning Dunes Oil 14 x 11 $400 Kim T. Richards

Richards_Kim_Brighter Days Ahead_oil (002)

Sunflowers always remind me of summer. In this painting, the color and shape of the shadows was as interesting to paint as the flowers. Brighter Days Ahead Oil 8 x 8 Kim T. Richards

Scala, Amy-Springhouse (002)

Lovely pink roses on the little Ash George Farm Springhouse caught my eye. Springhouse Acrylic 8x10 $295 Amy Scala

Scherer Sylvia_OOPS!_ Gilded painting IMG_9421 (1) (002)

Gold and color metal leaves are gilded to the painting on the prepared canvas. The glue is applied to a very small area each time in the complicated design. They are burnished and the excess leaf is softly brushed away. This is an exacting process. Heron and carp have each other in their sights. The carp is carefree, the heron is sharply focused. The outcome of their encounter is uncertain. OOPS! Gilded Painting 48 x 24 $5,000 Sylvia Scherer

Scherer_Sylvia -MORNING STAR_ Acrylic_gold leaf IMG_9414 (002)

Multiple layers of acrylic paint are applied to form a tri dimensional background for the flower. The gold leaf and copper gilded petals form an intricate design to showcase the beauty of the flower. MORNING STAR Acrylic and Gold/Copper Leaf Gilding 30 x 24 $1,900 Sylvia Scherer

Schneider, Deb-Wildflowers

Wild flowers keep our summer travel beautiful wherever we go. Wildflowers Oil 24 x 24 $800 Deborah Schneider

Schroeder, Francie-The golden Hour (002)

A late day rainbow with gold at the end and golden light makes for a great summer's dream of what's to come. The Golden Hour Photography 17.25 x 11.5 $395 Francie Schroeder

Schroeder, Francie-Early Morning Fog

A good view from a mountain top on a humid summer morning. Morning Fog Rising Photography 17.25 x 12 $395 Francie Schroeder

Schroeder, Francie-Shady spot (002)

A tree in the middle of a meadow is always a great place to rest on a hot day. A Shady Hide Out Photography 15 x10 $325 Francie Schroeder

Stevens, Libby-Summer Lane[2]

A long winding dirt road beckons you to wander but stay in the shade! Overgrown grasses and wild fields always inspire me to capture the variety of greens in a summer landscape. Summer Lane Pastel 12 x 16 $750 Libby Stevens

Stevens, Libby-Lavender Memories[80]

This painting was done on site at a local lavender farm, Blooming Hill, as all the lavender was coming into full bloom…a very subtle yet intense scent and a joy to paint! Lavender Memories Pastel 11 x 14 $750 Libby Stevens

Stevens, Libby-Picnic[2]

A family picnic in a park is truly one of the joys of summer, and the red umbrella caught my eye! I wonder if they enjoyed some watermelon? Picnic Pastel 16 x 20 $800 Libby Stevens

Suiter, Cathy Suiter-The Spring House (002)

This show must also be a theme for me, summer at my Grandparents. They had a stone spring house and it was always cool. It smelled of rich musky soil, apples and root crops. This spring house is in Washington, VA next to what used to be the parsonage, now owned by The Inn, serving as a guest house. I caught this moment in the early morning with the sun streaming through and just touching the hydrangeas. The Spring House Oil 16 x 20 $850 Cathy Suiter

Suiter, Dairy Barn #3[47]

On Sam Fred Rd just out of Middleburg is an old Dairy Farm. All barns remind me of my childhood spending time at my Grandparents farm in WV, playing in the barn, running through the rows of corn, holding baby chickens, getting apples from the cellar. The smells of farm life make me feel comforted. Dairy Barn #3 Oil 12 x 16 $520 Cathy Suiter

Treyz, Fritz-Ballet Memories

The scuffed satin slippers of a ballerina reveal the pain and commitment required to perform works of beauty that delight us and bring us summer dreams Giselle at Wolf Trap in August Oil on Wooden Panel 8 x 10 $490 Fritz Treyz

Turner, Kasha-The Butterfly Catcher

The Butterfly Catcher Soft Pastel on Rives BFK 15 x 21 $345 Kasha Turner

Viscardi, Linda-AT THE OCEAN (002)

Sunset at the beach – always a sight to see. At the Ocean Pastel on Board 11 X 14 $300 Linda Viscardi

VIscardi, Linda-FLOWERS ANYTIME (002)

Flowers always feel like summer to me. Flowers Anytime Pastel on Board 11 X 14 $350 Linda Viscardi

Wallace, Ann-Summer at River Farm

Summer at River Farm Pastel 11 x 14 $550 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann-Beach Ritual

Beach Ritual Gouache 11 x 14 $550 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann-Summer Treats

Summer Treats Oil 9 x 12 $600 Ann Wallace

Wine, Linda-Summer Fields through a Window

Summer in the Piedmont can be hot and humid, and can force us indoors to read and dream. Summer Fields Through a Window Acrylic 20 x 16 $400 Linda Wine

Weed, Peggy-The Auracana Hen

The Auracana Hen Oil 14 x 11 oval $525

Weed, Peggy-The Green Tomatoes

Green Tomatoes Oil 9 x 12 $425 Peggy Weed

Artists in Middleburg is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

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