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Springtime Splendor Exhibition
April 9 - May 8, 2022

Exhibition Jurors:
Jennifer E. Sims & Betsy R. Manierre

Ford, Gayle Isabelle -Orchid Study 1

Ford, Gayle Isabelle -Orchid Study 1

Best in Show This painting is based on one of the thousands of incredible plants and flowers which are on display in the US Botanic Gardens in Washington, DC. If only one had the time to paint or draw more of them! Orchid Study Watercolor 19 x 15 $1,250 Gayle Isabelle Ford

Hopkisn, Laura-Mount Weather Mood V

Hopkisn, Laura-Mount Weather Mood V

Second Place Every morning when I get up & each night before I go to bed, I look from my bedroom towards Mt Weather. The mountain’s appearance, rising up behind the fields & woodlands, changes from moment to moment. Sometimes, a vibrant blue green, sometimes, distinctly violet, other times, nearly black or maroon. This is part of a series exploring its distant face as I view it from my home & other nearby locations. Mt. Weather Mood V Oil on linen wrapped panel 14 x 16 $350 Laura Hopkins

Walsh, William-The Osprey-First Catch

Walsh, William-The Osprey-First Catch

Third Place Ospreys return early each spring as migrating fish also return, often as the first trees start to bud and flower. The Osprey often flies high showing off the catch calling to attract attention. The Osprey-First Catch Acrylic 22 x 18.25 $790 William Walsh

Stevens, Libby-April Blossoms

Stevens, Libby-April Blossoms

If you live in Virginia, the show of cherry blossoms is eagerly awaited and you go to the Tidal Basin in DC to see them in all their splendor! I am lucky enough to live with an old cherry tree across the street, whose bountiful blossoms greet me without fail every April...Hopefully I have captured their beauty in this pastel painting! April’s Blossoms Pastel 15.5 x 18.5 $495 Libby Stevens

Treyz, Fritz-spring Blossoms and Hummingbird

Treyz, Fritz-spring Blossoms and Hummingbird

“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” – Henri Matisse Springtime Blossoms and Humming Bird Oil on canvas 11 x 14 $925 Fritz Treyz

Yongue, Jackie-Cheerful Days Ahead

Yongue, Jackie-Cheerful Days Ahead

After a long winters day we are blessed with the beauty of the colors of spring. Even what is seen in the wild can bring beauty. Cheerful Days Ahead Watercolor 23 x 27 $495 Jackie Yongue

Zhou_Vicky-Old Garden Path

Zhou_Vicky-Old Garden Path

Shaded path leads to sunny meadow in the horizon. Old Garden Path Watercolor 19 x 25 $500 Vicky Zhou

Yongue, Jackie-A Spring in Your Step

Yongue, Jackie-A Spring in Your Step

All along the coasts we see wonderful photos of Herons taken by fabulous photographers. I have been privileged to be able to share their work through watercolor. The regal and tranquility of this bird is always a sight to see. A Spring in Your Step Watercolor 26 x 19 $550 Jackie Yongue

Wine, Linda Bell-Fleeting Moment

Wine, Linda Bell-Fleeting Moment

Purple has always been a funeral color for me. Purple flowers bring sad thoughts to my mind—thoughts of the war in the Ukraine and the terror the Ukrainian people are facing. There are no fairies dancing here. Fleeting Moment Acrylic, oil and cold wax 10 x 8 $300 Linda Bell Wine



I painted this lovely stem of irises from my garden and got to work in the studio. I just love the color and the ruffley shapes they have. It's a joy and a challenge to paint these beautiful flowers. Lavender Ladies Oil 38 x 14 $800 Lorrie Herman

Zhou_Vicky-Cherry Blossom

Zhou_Vicky-Cherry Blossom

Beautiful reflections in Tidal Basin at spring time. Cherry Blossom Watercolor 16 x 20 $450 Vicky Zhou

Rubin, Alan-High Flyers

Rubin, Alan-High Flyers

High Flyers Oil on canvas 30 x 16 $1,400 Alan Rubin

Weed, Peggy-Jug with Statice

Weed, Peggy-Jug with Statice

Jug with Statice Oil 16 x 12 $685 Peggy Weed

Weed, Peggy-Evening Feed

Weed, Peggy-Evening Feed

Evening Feed Oil 16 x 12 $685 Peggy Weed

Weed, Peggy-Lop Ears

Weed, Peggy-Lop Ears

Lop Ears Oil 12 x 16 $685 Peggy Weed

Walsh, William-Flying High

Walsh, William-Flying High

Springtime view from Shenandoah State Park as seen by the high flying eagle. Flying High Acrylic 20 x 16 $790 William Walsh

Walsh, William-Spring Field

Walsh, William-Spring Field

Beautiful late spring day walking across a field full of daisies. Spring Field Acrylic 20 x 20 $650 William Walsh

Wallace, Ann-Bucket of Peonies

Wallace, Ann-Bucket of Peonies

Bucket of Peonies Pastel 15 x 19 $800 Ann Wallace

Wallace, Ann-Spring Beauties

Wallace, Ann-Spring Beauties

Spring Beauties Pastel 11 x 14 $600 Ann Wallace

Treyz, Fritz-Waves Swirling on Rocks

Treyz, Fritz-Waves Swirling on Rocks

“There is, one knows not what sweet mystery about this sea, whose gently awful stirrings seem to speak of some hidden soul beneath . . .” – Herman Melville Waves Swirling on Rocks Oil on canvas 8 x 16 $875 Fritz Treyz

Stanley, Melanie-Iris Joy

Stanley, Melanie-Iris Joy

I love the iris flower and photograph them each spring and summer. Painting this piece was such a joy because of the lovely purple and yellow iris blossoms that grace the areas where I love each year. The joy just flows from each individual blossom, bringing such happy thoughts to the viewers. Iris Joy Mixed media 24 x 20 $550 Melanie Stanley

Wood-Amanda-Fiber-Spring Flowers After a Shower

Wood-Amanda-Fiber-Spring Flowers After a Shower

I grow wildflowers in my garden. After a good late spring rain shower, my flowers perk up with energy and vibrancy in the sunshine. This piece is a combination of needle and wet felting, embellished with wool fiber and embroidery thread. Spring Flowers After a Shower Wool, yarn, embroidery thread 21.5 x 32.75 $650 Amanda Wood

Schroeder, Francie-SpringMelody

Schroeder, Francie-SpringMelody

For a recent exhibit I converted existing color images to black and white simply because I like black and white and I felt a need to break away from saturated color. In this case I felt the Redbud needed a stand out accent so I added the pink. Spring Melody Photography 16 x 20 $385 Francie Schroeder

Salvatori, StephanieHidden in the Redbuds

Salvatori, StephanieHidden in the Redbuds

While searching for the perfect photo of the blooming Redbuds, I stumbled upon this beautiful Barred Owl. Curiosity got the best of both of us! Hidden in the Red Buds Photography on metal 20 x 16 $300 Stephanie Salvatori

Baker, MIchelle-Redbud Time

Baker, MIchelle-Redbud Time

Redbud Time is a nod to my favorite season. Watching the tree buds and flowers begin to shoot up is like watching a ink painting come together; it happens very quickly. When the Earth wakes up from winter, the redbud arrives on the scene to announce Spring's arrival. Redbud Time Ink 17 x 15 $230 Michelle Baker

Harman, Joyce-Into the Woods

Harman, Joyce-Into the Woods

I was walking through these magnificent woods with a light rain falling. The water flowing through the rich green drew me in. Into the Woods Photography, handmade frame 22 x 32 $1,195 Joyce Harman

Schroeder, Francie-Nestbuilding spoonbills

Schroeder, Francie-Nestbuilding spoonbills

For me spring is about many wonderful events all happening in sync with each other. Trees fill in with new leaves, flowers emerge and birds build nests. I was so lucky this spring to spend time watching these Roseate Spoonbills groom, wash and collect materials for their nests. Nest Building Spoonbills Photography 16 x 20 $385 Francie Schroeder

Salmon, Ron-Two Shakes

Salmon, Ron-Two Shakes

Romney ewe with two nursing lambs. Two Spruce Farm; Clarke County; Virginia. Springtime antics of lambs is always fun to observe. This image was an unexpected extra. Two Shakes Photography 16 x 20 $285 Ron Salmon

Kray, Dorothy-Le Brebis

Kray, Dorothy-Le Brebis

Spring adds new life and joy to all that is. Le Brebis Photography 10 x 10 $175 Dorothy Kray

Salmon, Ron-Big Meadows Baby

Salmon, Ron-Big Meadows Baby

White-tailed Deer fawn at sunrise; Big Meadows; Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. Springtime at Big Meadows, Shenandoah National Park, is a great location to photograph White-tailed deer fawns. Big Meadows Baby Photography 16 x 24 $335 Ron Salmon

Richards_Kim_Friendship and Elegance_oil

Richards_Kim_Friendship and Elegance_oil

Last fall, I took participated in a fundraiser event and the floral designer gave me a bouquet to take home afterwards. Since zinnias and dahlias are my favorite flowers to paint, I couldn't resist this beautiful bouquet. Friendship and Elegance Oil 16 x 13 $375 Kim T. Richards

Treyz, Fritz-Chestnut-Breasted Coronet

Treyz, Fritz-Chestnut-Breasted Coronet

Hummingbirds are only native in the Americas and can visit more than a thousand flowers a day.” Chestnut-Breasted Coronet Oil on wooden panel 8 x 8 $165 Fritz Treyz

Ribodino, Alicia-Tubac

Ribodino, Alicia-Tubac

I loved the colors and warmth of this little town in Arizona. Tubac Acrylic on paper 14 x 16 $800 Alicia Ribodino

Wood-Amanda-Fiber-Blooming Buds ll

Wood-Amanda-Fiber-Blooming Buds ll

As flowers start to bloom and clump together, they look like little buddies happy to grow. This piece is a combination of needle and wet felting, embellished with wool fiber and embroidery thread stitched onto hand-dyed burlap. Blooming Buds II Wool, burlap, embroidery thread 13 x 10 $225 Amanda Wood

Petreca, Regina-Water Lily

Petreca, Regina-Water Lily

Getting up close and personal in Claude Monet's water lily pond, in a contemporary realist style. Water Lily Acrylic on canvas 24 x 30 $350 Regina Petrecca

Reid, Anne-Carrick Bay

Reid, Anne-Carrick Bay

Carrick Bay Oil 18 x 22 $595 Anne Reid

Reid, Anne-Sundown in Galloway

Reid, Anne-Sundown in Galloway

Sundown in Galloway Oil 18 x 24 $595 Anne Reid

Ford, Gayle Isabelle-Fresh Bouquet

Ford, Gayle Isabelle-Fresh Bouquet

Last summer I had so many lovely flowers in my garden that I had to paint some! Fresh Bouquet Oil 18 x 15 $1,050 Gayle Isabelle Ford

Parent, Terri-Peony Love

Parent, Terri-Peony Love

Peonies are my favorite flower to photograph. One gift of the pandemic was time to study and explore new directions for my photography. The effects in this photograph can only be achieved with a single subject photographed off center. Peony Love Digital photography 14 x 11 on acrylic $150 Terri Parent

Padilla, Chito-Blowing in the Wind

Padilla, Chito-Blowing in the Wind

This painting celebrates the many promises of Spring. Bright colors coming through, dancing in the wind. Blowing in the Wind Acrylic on panel 16 x 22 $425 Chito Padilla

Scala, Amy-Favorite Garden

Scala, Amy-Favorite Garden

Frelinghuysen Arboretum garden in the spring. Love little cottages and gardens. Favorite Garden Acrylic 14.5 x 17.5 $350 Amy Scala

Padilla, Chito-Hope Floats

Padilla, Chito-Hope Floats

Spring is the season of rebirth and renewal. It's a season of hope and promise. These are the notions that inspired this spirited painting. Hope Floats Acrylic on canvas 24 x 24 $495 Chito Padilla

Palmer, Rachel Garcia-Bluebell Path

Palmer, Rachel Garcia-Bluebell Path

Waiting for the bluebells to bloom requires patience. Wait too long and you’ll miss the seas of tiny flowers connecting into a mass of blue. Indeed, I believe our bluebells are almost as iconic as our cherry trees, but much more understated in their glory. Bluebell Path Oil 23 x 29 $970 Rachel Garcia-Palmer

Carroll, Margaret MacMahon-Orchids

Carroll, Margaret MacMahon-Orchids

Orchids Oil 24 x 18 $350 Margaret MacMahon Carroll

Padilla, Chito-Pink Fountain Grass

Padilla, Chito-Pink Fountain Grass

Nature comes alive in springtime. Grass will return tall and free, a symbol of resilience. Pink Fountain Grass Acrylic on paper 24 x 18 $695 Chito Padilla

Harman, Joyce-Moss

Harman, Joyce-Moss

Moss is one of my favorite things. This patch was so fresh, soft and inviting. I spent a long time playing with compositions and textures, just enjoying being in its presence. Moss Photography, handmade frame 27 x 19 $895 Joyce Harman

Miyamoto, Marilyn-_RedBudsBloom

Miyamoto, Marilyn-_RedBudsBloom

I painted this at Oatlands last year. The fields were filled with flowering trees. Red Buds Bloom Oil 14 x 11 $350 Marilyn Miyamoto

Montis Doreen Mum and the Little One oil

Montis Doreen Mum and the Little One oil

Spring is lambing season. I think the expression on the ewe in this painting speaks volumes of motherhood. I wanted the details in the mother's expression and the lamb to standout so I kept the background very simple. It's a painting to make people smile. Mum and the Little One Oil 17 x 15 $295 Doreen Montis



Pink Rhododendron Watercolor on Paper 20 x 24 $450 Elise Nicely

Lillis, Judith-Archway at Oatlands

Lillis, Judith-Archway at Oatlands

It was early morning when I arrived in the garden at Oatlands. My eye was drawn to a charming brick archway laced with pink roses planted by Mrs. Eustis in 1920. The white gate added a welcoming feature. Archway at Oatlands Photography 20 x 16 $275 Judith Lillis

Inra, Ligia-Abundance Beauty

Inra, Ligia-Abundance Beauty

The day I made this painting, I had all intentions to do an abstract. Then, the flowers bloomed! Abundance Beauty Acrylic on Japanese Rice Paper 30 x 24 $750 Ligia Inra

Kray, Dorothy-Dreams

Kray, Dorothy-Dreams

And have you any dreams you’d like to sell? - Stevie Nicks Dreams Photography 17 x 13 $175 Dorothy Kray

Kray, Dorothy-Eternal

Kray, Dorothy-Eternal

Drink wine. This is life eternal. This is all that youth will give you. It is the season for wine, roses and drunken friends. Be happy for this moment. This moment is your life. - Omar Khayyam Eternal Photography 12 x 16 $175 Dorothy Kray

Hindle Stuart Blossoms

Hindle Stuart Blossoms

Fruit tree blossoms are one of nature’s wonderful announcements of spring. A new beginning of the joys yet to come. Blossoms Oil on canvas 12 x 9 $325 Stuart Allison Hindle

Hopkins, Laura-May Afternoon

Hopkins, Laura-May Afternoon

My goal for this painting was to convey the soft light of a balmy spring afternoon. The scene is a small creek near my home as it appeared several years ago. In my work I strive to capture the mood and atmosphere of a place, rather than the specifics of the location. May Afternoon Oil on canvas 18 x 26 $650 Laura Hopkins



I have many beds of irises in my garden. I make sure I go and paint them several times during their short parade. I bought a variety of colors from a local iris farm years ago. They have bloomed in glory ever since. I paint them in both oil and watercolors usually starting out Plein air. Iris Friends Oil 24 x 20 $900 Lorrie Herman

Gregory, Kathy-Cows

Gregory, Kathy-Cows

I grew up with cows. They let me sit on the fence and sing to them and never told me I was off key…they drew me in! Milk Cow Blues Oil pastel 10.5 x 15 $200 Kathy Gregory

Fiorella, Maria-SpringFlowersInBlueandWhiteVase

Fiorella, Maria-SpringFlowersInBlueandWhiteVase

A beautiful spring bouquet, set up to feature the interesting blue and white pattern on the vase. Spring Flowers in Blue and White Vase Oil 18 x 14 $390 Maria Fiorella

Brunini, Noreen-Ephemeral

Brunini, Noreen-Ephemeral

Bluebell Season is fleeting - Ephemeral. Catch it while you can -- a good spot is by the stone bridge at Manassas Battlefield Ephemeral Watercolor 24 x 15 $350 Noreen Brunini



This radish, with its lavish plume of leaves and quirky root, spoke to me. There will never be another radish like it. My love for painting produce stems from the respect for creation that my grandfather instilled in me. A front-line Army field cook in Germany during World War II, he worked joyously as a produce manager for the rest of his career. Ruffles and Flourishes Oil 16 x 14 $475 Brie Dodson

Block, Anne Marshall-Afternoon_at_Jefferson_Memorial

Block, Anne Marshall-Afternoon_at_Jefferson_Memorial

The sun was setting on the Jefferson Memorial during a late-afternoon walk around the Tidal Basin, and I captured the scene in the same vivid Lavenders and Fuchsias that I witnessed there. Afternoon at Jefferson Memorial Oil on linen 26 x 20 $750 Anne Marshall Block

Arthur, Suzanne  Lago-GreenBottleAndDishcloth_

Arthur, Suzanne Lago-GreenBottleAndDishcloth_

I created "Green Demijohn and Dishtowel" during the height of lockdown for COVID-19. I was looking for a new area of my home to paint from natural light and set up this still life with a demijohn and French dishtowel. This painting for me is a conversation with the Dutch Master painters that came before me, who like me, chose to explore similar themes of domestic tranquility. Green Demijohn and Dishtowel Oil on linen panel 12 x 12 $800 Suzanne Lago Arthur

Henry, Cathy Suiter-Sunny Susans

Henry, Cathy Suiter-Sunny Susans

Who can resist this happy native VA flower? They always make me smile and help our bees. Sunny Susans Oil 18 x 14 $520 Cathy Suiter-Henry

Florer Sarah Driving up to Bull Run Mountain Watercolor

Florer Sarah Driving up to Bull Run Mountain Watercolor

This stylized landscape shows the drive down Logmill Road up to Bull Run Mountain and the beautiful farmland that dots the base of the mountain. It celebrates the mountain and the nice open relaxed atmosphere that the mountain encourages. As more of our area is developed, I am grateful for this bit of rural landscape. Driving Up to Bull Run Mountain Watercolor 14.75 x 17.75 $350 Sarah Fl

Huyett, Sheila-Whatcha Lookin at Willis

Huyett, Sheila-Whatcha Lookin at Willis

Whatcha Lookin at Willis Oil 18 x 24 $345 Sheila Huyett

Gallick Rosemary Springtime Joy! Mixed

Gallick Rosemary Springtime Joy! Mixed

Springtime Joy! Mixed Media 9 x 12 $150 Rosemary Gallick

Flynn Mara Flowerworks Acrylic on Canvas

Flynn Mara Flowerworks Acrylic on Canvas

Walking through my neighborhood and seeing the first hints of crocuses and Lenten roses inspired me to paint this bright floral close-up. I chose an abstract, slightly darker background color scheme so the pink blossoms would burst forth. Using a wide brush and thick layers of pink, yellow, and crimson helped give movement to the petals. The image reminds me of fireworks -- thus the title. Flowerworks Acrylic on canvas 21.25 x 17.25 $365 Mara Flynn

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