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Exhibition Schedule 2025

Best in Show will receive $200

Second Place will receive $100

Third Place will receive $50

Awards generously donated by Anita Baarns


*To fill out an application or pay the entry fee scroll to the bottom of the page.

*Opening receptions will be held outside in our grassy enclosed area, weather permitting.

GASP: Great Art, Small Prices Exhibition

Exhibit dates: November 2, 2024 - January 5, 2025

Pickup unsold art: Monday - Tuesday, January 6 and 7, 12:00 - 5:00 pm

AiM Members' Exhibition

Exhibit dates: Saturday, January 18 - February 23, 2025

Art submission deadline: Friday, December 27, 2024, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Friday, January 3 or before

Art drop off: Monday - Wednesday, January 13 - 15, 12:00 - 5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, January 18, 1:00 - 3:00 pm

Pickup unsold art: Monday - Wednesday, February 24 - 26, 12:00 - 5:00 pm


Youth Art Month: Student Exhibition from Local Schools: Healing Through Color

(Claude Thompson Elementary, Middleburg Community Charter School, Middleburg Montessori, The Hill School and Foxcroft):

Exhibit Dates: Friday, February 28-Tuesday, March 18

Opening Reception: Friday, February 28, 4 - 6 pm


Our Magnificent Piedmont! The Land and Inhabitants…

Exhibit dates: Saturday, March 22-Sunday, April 20

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, March 5, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, March 12 or before

Art drop off: Monday-Wednesday, March 17-19, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, March 22, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, April 21-23, 12:00-5:00 pm

The Light of Day

Exhibit dates: Saturday, April 26-Sunday, May 25

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, April 9, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, April 16 or before

Art drop-off: Monday-Wednesday, April 21-23, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, April 26, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, May 26-28, 12:00-5:00 pm



The Horse, Fox and Hound/Dog in Art

Exhibit dates: Saturday, May 31 - Sunday, June 29

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, May 14, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: May 21 or before

Art drop off: Monday-Wednesday, May 26-28, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, May 31, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup of unsold art: Monday, June 30, Tuesday-Wednesday July 1-2, 12:00-5:00 pm


Something Red

Exhibit dates: Saturday, July 5-Sunday, August 3

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, June 18, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, June 25 or before

Art drop off: Monday, June 30, Tuesday-Wednesday July 1-2, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, July 5, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup of unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, August 4-6, 12:00-5:00 pm


Water Works: Water, Water Everywhere!

Exhibit dates: Saturday, August 9-Sunday, September 7th

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, July 23, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, July 30 or before

Art drop off: Monday-Wednesday, August 4-6, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, August 9, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup of unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, September 8-10, 12:00-5:00 pm


Always in Season, Landscapes of the Piedmont

Exhibit dates: Saturday, September 13-Sunday, October 12

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, August 27, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, September 3 or before

Art drop off: Monday-Wednesday, September 8-10, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, September 13, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup of unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, October 13-15, 12:00-5:00 pm


Trees Please!!!

Exhibit dates: Saturday, October 18-Sunday, Sunday, November 16

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, October 1, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, October 8 or before

Art drop off: Monday-Wednesday, October 13-15, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, October 18, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup of unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, November 17-19, 12:00-5:00 pm


GASP: Great Art Small Prices

Exhibit dates: Saturday, November 22-Sunday, January 4, 2026

Art submission deadline: Wednesday, November 5, 3:00 pm

Artists notified: Wednesday, November 12 or before

Art drop off: Monday-Wednesday, November 17-19, 12:00-5:00 pm

Opening reception: Saturday, November 22, 1:00-3:00 pm

Pickup of unsold art: Monday-Wednesday, January 5-7, 2026, 12:00-5:00 pm

New Application Process

We have a new application form, which is very simple to use. It is a Google form and after you submit the form, you should receive a copy of your application. Please follow the directions below.

Use the Exhibit Application button to access the new Application.


1. You will be directed to a Google Form to fill out and upload your information. Please input your information accurately. The information you provide will be copied and pasted to the website and in gallery labels. Any mistakes in the application will be carried forward.

2. Make sure your email address is correct, otherwise you will not get notification about acceptance.

3. When finished, use the submit button to send us your application.

4. Use the PayPal buttons below to pay your entry fee.

Exhibition Fees


General Information 


Exhibition Fees: If paying by check please make checks out to Artists in Middleburg or AiM and deliver with accepted art. You may also pay with PayPal, MC, VISA, AE or Discover, see above. The online payment button will take you to Paypal, you do not need to pay with a PayPal account. You may pay with MC, VISA, AE or Discover. Paypal will process the credit card but a PayPal account is not required.


Promotion: Promotion will include wide-spread marketing efforts, including sending announcements to: the Artists in Middleburg list, local and regional publications, businesses, local town/offices and more.  Artists are also encouraged to promote the event through their networks. AiM reserves the right to use photos of accepted artwork in advertising and program promotion.


Insurance: All artists shall be solely and exclusively responsible to insure properly and adequately their work and property.  By submitting this application, the artist agrees to fully and finally release the Artists in Middleburg and Dan Kaseman, its directors, officers, employees or any volunteers involved with the exhibit of any and all responsibility for any damage or loss to any artwork during the time of the exhibition, its set up and take down.  Be aware that insurance policies in effect will not provide coverage for damage or loss due to fire, theft or burglary and vandalism.  The artist agrees to assume all risk of damage to or loss of his/her own art from whatever cause. The transport, installation and removal of the artworks are not covered by insurance. 


Checklist for Exhibition Application

  • Exhibition Application Form 

  • Photo Attachments of your work (This document in jpg format)

  • Artist Bio and Artists Perspective Statements in this document in Word format. No PDF’s.

**** Sawtooth hangers are not accepted - Painting must be properly wired for hanging

**** Unframed paintings must be gallery wrapped with painted edge

Office Use Only - Do Not Use

Upload File

**** Sawtooth hangers are not accepted;   Painting must be properly wired for hanging

**** Unframed paintings must be gallery wrapped with painted edge

General Information 


Exhibition Fees: If paying by check please make checks out to Artists in Middleburg or AiM and deliver with accepted art. You may also pay with PayPal, MC, VISA and AE or Discover, see above.


Promotion: Promotion will include wide-spread marketing efforts, including sending announcements to: the Artists in Middleburg list, local and regional publications, businesses, local town/offices and more.  Artists are also encouraged to promote the event through their networks. AiM reserves the right to use photos of accepted artwork in advertising and program promotion.


Insurance: All artists shall be solely and exclusively responsible to insure properly and adequately their work and property.  By submitting this application, the artist agrees to fully and finally release the Artists in Middleburg and Dan Kaseman, its directors, officers, employees or any volunteers involved with the exhibit of any and all responsibility for any damage or loss to any artwork during the time of the exhibition, its set up and take down.  Be aware that insurance policies in effect will not provide coverage for damage or loss due to fire, theft or burglary and vandalism.  The artist agrees to assume all risk of damage to or loss of his/her own art from whatever cause. The transport, installation and removal of the artworks are not covered by insurance. 


Checklist for Exhibition Application

  • Exhibition Application Form (This document)

  • Photo Attachments of your work ( This document in jpg format)

  • Artist Bio and Artists Perspective Statements in this document in Word format. No PDF’s.

Artists in Middleburg is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

©Copyright 2025

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