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Artists in Middleburg

The Artists in Middleburg (AiM) is a 501c3 nonprofit organization. Based out of a small art gallery in Middleburg, AiM hosts themed exhibitions each month for local artists as well as offers art classes, from Plein Air experiences to sculpting instruction.


AiM also strives to nurture and promote art and art education within the community. Since 2017,  AiM has hosted  art classes at local schools as well as partnered with various schools to host an exhibition of students' art each March, Youth Art Month. Visit Outreach and Education for more information on these efforts.

As indicated by the National Endowment of the Arts (“NEA”), “American communities are strengthened through the arts.”  AiM seeks to join what the NEA describes as “Communities across our nation…leveraging the arts and engaging design to make their communities more livable with enhanced quality of life, increased creative activity, a distinct sense of place, and vibrant local economies that together capitalize on their existing assets.”

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Your contributions will support and strengthen the local arts community by
increasing the vitality, awareness, and appreciation of the arts.


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© 2024 Copyright


Artists in Middleburg (AiM), a 501c3 nonprofit organization

102 W. Washington Street

Mail: PO Box 426

Middleburg, VA 20118

Gallery: 540-687-6600

Gallery hours: Wednesday-Sunday, 12-5 PM

By appointment

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